Speakable Items is not available because it was not installed. Displays a dialog box that lets you add, remove, or edit a phrase. Currently the computer speaks a different phrase each time (in random order, from this menu) when an alert message appears. To hear the same phrase every time, choose one from this menu. Tells the computer to speak a different phrase each time (in random order, from this menu) when an alert message appears. Currently the computer speaks a different phrase each time (in the order phrases appear in the menu) when an alert message appears. To hear the same phrase every time, choose one from this menu. Tells the computer to speak a different phrase each time (in menu order, starting with the message after the most recent one you heard) when an alert message appears. This is the phrase the computer speaks when an alert message appears. To hear a different phrase, choose another from this menu. Tells the computer to speak this phrase when an alert message appears. Type the new phrase here, then click OK. To have the computer ignore any changes you just made in this window, click Cancel. To hear how the phrase will sound, click this box. Click here to have the computer ignore any changes you just made in this window. Click here to confirm the changes you just made. Click here to select a phrase to edit or delete. Click here to have the computer ignore any changes you just made in the Phrases list. Click here to confirm the changes you just made. Click here to be able to change the selected phrase. To delete the selected phrase, click here. To have the computer ignore any changes you just made in the Phrases list, click Cancel. To add a new phrase to the menu, click here. To change the number of seconds that the computer waits before speaking, move this slider. Not available because neither ‘Speak the phrase’ nor ‘Speak the alert text’ is selected. To change the number of seconds that the computer waits before speaking, move this slider. To prevent the computer from speaking the contents of alert messages, click this box. To hear the contents of alert messages when they appear, click this box. Use this pop-up menu to choose the phrase that the computer speaks when an alert message appears. Use this pop-up menu to choose the phrase that the computer speaks when an alert message appears. Not available because ‘Speak the phrase’ is not selected. To stop the computer from speaking a phrase when an alert message appears, click this box. To hear the phrase chosen in the ‘Speak the phrase’ pop-up menu each time an alert message appears, click this box. To hear an example of what the delayed speech sounds like, click this icon. The computer will listen for button names such as OK or Cancel if Speakable Items is on. To stop the computer from listening for button names, click this box. To have the computer listen for button names such as OK or Cancel, click this button. The computer is not listening for spoken commands. To have the computer listen, click the On button. To stop the computer from listening for spoken commands, click this button. The computer is listening for spoken commands. To stop the computer from listening, click the Off button. To have the computer listen for spoken commands, click this button. To hear a sample of the sound that the computer plays when it recognizes a spoken command, click this icon. Use this pop-up menu to choose the sound you hear when the computer recognizes a spoken command. No sound will be played when the computer recognizes a spoken command. To hear a sound, choose another item from this menu. To hear what spoken feedback sounds like, click this icon. To prevent the computer from speaking feedback messages, click this box. To have the computer speak feedback messages, click this box. Use this pop-up menu to choose the character that gives you feedback. Use this pop-up menu to control if and when you must speak the name typed in the Name field. The name that you must speak before commands if you’ve specified it in the ‘Name is’ pop-up menu To change the name, select it and retype it. These pop-up menus aren’t available because the ‘Key(s) toggle listening on and off’ option isn’t selected. Pressing the key or key combination shown here turns listening on and off. To specify a different listening key or key combination, press it to have it appear here. To turn listening on and off by pressing the key or key combination in the Key(s) field, click the button for this method. The computer will listen for spoken commands only when the key or key combination in the Key(s) field is pressed. To make the computer listen only when the key or key combination in the Key(s) field is pressed, click the button for this method. The key or key combination that you press to make the computer listen for spoken commands To change the rate at which the voice speaks, move the slider. To hear a sample of the currently chosen voice, click this button. Use this pop-up menu to choose the voice you hear whenever the computer speaks. Use this pop-up menu to switch to the settings window for another option. To get help, click here. Currently you must speak the computer’s name before a command if more than 30 seconds have passed since the last command. To change this setting, choose another item in this menu. Specifies that you must speak the name of the computer before a command if more than 30 seconds have passed since the last command. Currently you must speak the computer’s name before a command if more than 15 seconds have passed since the last command. To change this setting, choose another item in this menu. Specifies that you must speak the name of the computer before a command if more than 15 seconds have passed since the last command. Currently you must speak the computer’s name before you speak each command. To change this setting, choose another option from this menu. Requires that you speak the computer’s name before you give each command. Speaking the computer’s name is currently optional before you speak a command. To require that the computer’s name be spoken, choose another item in this menu. Makes speaking the computer’s name optional before you speak a command. The settings window for this option is currently displayed. Use it to specify whether the computer listens for spoken commands. To specify other settings, choose another option from this menu. Controls whether the computer listens for spoken commands. To specify other settings, choose another option from this menu. The settings window for this option is currently displayed. Use it to specify when and whether the text of alert messages will be spoken. Lets you specify settings for when and whether the text of alert messages will be spoken. The settings window for this option is currently displayed. Use it to specify the feedback that the computer will give when it recognizes spoken commands. To specify other settings, choose another option from this menu. Lets you specify the feedback that the computer will give when it recognizes spoken commands. The settings window for this option is currently displayed. Use it to specify when the computer will listen to spoken commands. To specify other settings, choose another option from this menu. Lets you specify settings for when the computer will listen to spoken commands. The settings window for this option is currently displayed. Use it to specify the default voice and the rate at which that voice speaks. To specify other settings, choose another option from this menu. Text-to-Speech either isn’t installed or is turned off. You must turn it on to access this feature. Sets the default (standard) voice and the rate at which it speaks. The computer doesn’t make any sound when it recognizes a spoken command. To hear a sound, choose one from this menu. Prevents any sound from playing when the computer recognizes a spoken command. This is the sound you now hear when the computer recognizes a spoken command. To hear a different sound, choose another from this menu. Changes the sound that you hear to this one when the computer recognizes a spoken command. This is the voice you hear when the computer speaks. To change the voice, choose another from this menu. Changes the default (standard) voice to this one. This is the character you see in the feedback window. To display a different character, choose another from this menu. Changes the character in the feedback window to this one.